With the development of Economic Globalization,more and more people want to come to China to import something.Because its cheap price and good quality,they can get really huge profit in their country.However,there are also many people cheated by some bad Chinese busineseman,so many foreign friend abuse Chinese man,even some people think there are no good businese man in China.But they still want to buy the goods from China,because it is really cheap.So how to find an honest supplier is really a headache.
First of all,I need say sorry to our foreign friends for this bad busineseman.But I hope we can get your consideration.Everywhere has bad person,China have,America have,europe also have.Most Chinese are good person,please really understand us.
As a international busineseman,safe is really important for us.If you are the first time to buy the goods from China,I suggest that you can find a good supplier from some good platform,such as alibaba,ebay,made-in-china,and Global sources.Most good company will have their shop in this platform.You need pay more attention to the shop experience,if the shop have been the platform for many years,well,I must to say you really find a good supplier.For the new international businese,it is safer to find the supplier.Please choose several company,not just one.
Second,after we chose some supplier,then we can find the company’s information with Search engine,google is a good one,but if you want to know more,use Chinese Search Engine,www.baidu.com is the biggest search engine in China.If the company is not honest,you will find some clues.Then you can choose some honest company.
After these steps,you can understand which company is good.Then you can send an inquiry to ask the price.Please really don’t choose the company which provide you a really cheap price.Please choose a middle price.Please really believe me,this is a Chinese honest girl an honest advice.
Then you will get several price,but please think second time.You still need know the technological support,it can show the quality of the goods.For example,Car Tracker,it is really important for its platform.Good technology support will protect your car,your pet.you will find your car in the platform.Good after-sales service will let you feel very comfortable.So please take care of the technology support of a company.
All in all,please know situation of China,if you want to do international businese.